Change of Address Checklist: Who to Notify When You Move

Making the physical long distance moving is only half the battle, it's harder to organise it efficiently and not forget any important details.

Let's make a list together of the services that need to be notified of a change of address to ensure a comfortable life in the new place, keep your personal data safe and keep track of important documents in a timely manner.

Moving Checklist

Utility services

You will need gas, electricity and water first in your new home. Make a notification as soon as you find a new address and confirm the day of your move, otherwise you risk ending up in your new home unusable.

Also, when you register your new address, remember to do so that the service at your old address will stop on the day you move in.
In some provinces, this can be done through a website.

Of the other services you will have to notify:

  • Internet
  • cable
  • phone services
  • garbage and recycling
  • sewer services, etc

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High Stream Moving is proud to offer professional local and long distance moving services in Toronto and all across Canada and the USA.

Post Office

After setting your utilities, the other top priority is to notify the Postal Services of your change of address. This will ensure that all mails—including mail to your old address—are forwarded to your new address. 

Plan to do it at least a week before you move so that there is no gap between when you move and when the mail forwarding service starts. In the US, you can easily update your address online here

In Canada, you can use the mail forwarding service to your new address for 3, 4 and 12 months so you don't miss important notices that came to your old address. You can take advantage of this service through Canada Post.

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Public and Social Authorities

To continue receiving important notices, social security payments and assessments, make sure you notify the tax authorities, Social Security Administration, and federal revenue agency of your change of address.


Notify your employer of the change of address so they can update your official contact information. This will ensure that your cheques, pay stubs, tax forms, and other relevant details are sent to the right place. 

Moving from Toronto to Montreal, Ontario

Bank, Credit Card Company and Loan Providers

These institutions don't care about your new address to provide services. But you don't want your personal information in documents falling into the wrong hands. Therefore, notify all financial institutions where you are served of your new address:

  • bank
  • your credit card company
  • mortgage company
  • credit organisations
  • investment broker  

Do you have any questions?

High Stream Moving is proud to offer professional local and long distance moving services in Toronto and all across Canada and the USA.

Insurance Providers

As a priority, contact your home/renter’s insurance providers and let them know of the changes and where to transfer the cover. If you are moving to a rental, keep in mind that some landlords need proof of the insurance cover. So ensure that the changes are taken care of beforehand. 

Auto insurance providers calculate the cost of their services based on crime rates, the number of claims in the city and neighbourhood where you live, and the distance to your place of work. So be sure to take care of this as well.

While at it, do not forget to update:

  • health insurance
  • dental insurance
  • life insurance

Memberships and Subscriptions

Update the changes on all the services you are signed up with and organisations you are involved in. These include:

  • online shopping services like Amazon and eBay
  • magazines and subscription services
  • clubs and organisations
  • community groups
  • professional communities
  • libraries
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Family and Friends

Last but not least, let the people who care about you know that you have moved. You can send a generic email to everyone on your contact list, or if you want to be more eccentric, you can design unique change of address cards and send them to the people you care about. 


Use our article to help you stay more organised during your move. By notifying the appropriate services, agencies and loved ones of your change of address while condo moving, you can avoid unnecessary disruptions and ensure a smooth adjustment to your new surroundings.

Well, and of course give your new address to your High Stream Moving company. Call us at (800) 430-1537 to get timely services!

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